Michio Kaku on the Big Bang

May 14th, 2009

Dr. Michio Kaku talks about the Big Bang and the Large Hadron Collider… and Elvis.

6 Responses to “Michio Kaku on the Big Bang”

  1. Pedro on May 16, 2009 12:22 am

    Awesome series of interviews with Dr. Michio Kaku!!!

  2. Mike (@knightfourteen) on May 20, 2009 11:06 pm

    Hearing him talk about all that stuff makes me full of, I think the word is “glee.” I think I am actually going to buy that book he wrote and I wonder if he has any pics of his high school particle smasher, that’s be cool to see. I hope there are more of these interviews, better than Saturday morning cartoons (when I used to watch them).

  3. DataJack on May 21, 2009 7:06 am

    Excellent series of interviews, Dr. Kiki.

  4. Mike on May 23, 2009 3:28 pm

    Hi, nice posts there 🙂 thank’s for the interesting information

  5. RichardOn on May 26, 2009 5:37 pm

    Interesting site, but much advertisments on him. Shall read as subscription, rss.

  6. Darryl Rabon on August 24, 2009 1:31 am

    I’ve thought for some time that it’s hubris for humankind to speak of “the big bang” as if it’s a one-off. Then they gave it a name – the multiverse.

    String theory has seemed a bit speculative to me, but there may be something to its higher math which is NOT merely theoretical. And I think only modifications/expansions of physics will occur, not whole new laws, sort of like Einstein on steroids.

    I like the soap bubble analogy. Maybe “God’s” bathtub is full of soap bubbles we call universes. Except they’re fewer and much farther between – say a googol of light years in many cases. Too far for their light to be visible to the other bubbles, except in rare cases in which a local “big bang” happens, or nearly happens. Until space telescopes can map out our entire universe, will we know the true distances of even the visible galaxies, let alone whether or not there’s a visible “bubble” out there so far away human history ever encounters it?

    I’m reminded of the story of Brahman, who dreams of worlds appearing and disappearing and the futility of thinking we’ll ever approach the everlasting, much less the eternal extant realities.

    Every time we humans think we have a handle on the ultimate, something like the universe expanding more rapidly comes to us like a thunderbolt and puts us in our places.

    Seeding the Milky Way with robots may be our only penultimate mark that we tried to understand as much as we could before our sun no longer gives us life. As for the ultimate, we could only wish.

    Time could be a googol raised to the googol of years when we speak of multiverse – it’s just a number – eternity is incomprehensible to mere mortals, IMO.

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