The Science Word

August 8th, 2008

I’m trying out something new, and hoping that it will compliment what we do on This Week in Science. Check it out!

If you’re interested in any of the stories referred to in The Science Word, here are the links:

The Cassini space probe confirmed that a lake on Saturn’s moon, Titan, is filled with pleasantly chilled liquid ethane and methane hydrocarbons, molecules thought to be building blocks for life.

NASA got past a sticky dirt problem, and identified water in the Martian soil.

After 30 years, the guitarist for Queen finished and published his doctoral thesis.

According to Australian research, playing outdoors might be good for a child’s developing eyes.

A US CDC study found that national annual HIV/AIDS rates are underestimated by 40%. Regardless of this new data, the director of the WHO, Kevin De Cock, still thinks current global estimates are good. Yes, he does.

A study doubled population estimates of the Western Lowland Gorilla, an endangered species. A report recently warned that human activity puts almost half of the world’s primate species at risk for extinction.

People weigh less in neighborhoods with sidewalks.

Opposites might attract, but Germans stay married if they are similarly agreeable and conscientious.

Blue sharks taste bad, but people are developing a taste for them because other fish are in short supply.

Hot, black smokers were found venting supercritical seawater on the bottom of the Mid-Atlantic Ocean.

Unlike freshwater turtles, the epaulette shark goes blind when oxygen levels go down.

One Response to “The Science Word”

  1. George B. on August 8, 2008 1:40 pm

    Dr. Kiki,

    I was just thinking how much fun it would be to see you and Justin doing TWIS. Video casting is definitely the way to go. Keep it up.

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