Braniacs Unite!

May 16th, 2006

Is it really true that science is under attack? There are the vocal religious opponents out there who in the name of the almighty debate scientific findings that support the theory of evolution or the use of stem cells. But, that opposition is the minority, and with education science can find a solid base of support. There is a quiet storm out there filled with all the people who have yet to make up their minds on the issues that are under such religious scrutiny. These people simply need to be educated before they will feel comfortable making a decision that they will take with them to the polls. However, the trick will be convincing them that science is interesting, and that they will “get it” if they only take a bit of time to listen. I truly believe that it is the job of scientists to reach out to these silent individuals. Science in this country will be up against the wall unless scientists don’t change the way that they think about educating the public.

Here’s a great, eye-opening article from the Public Library of Science that discusses many of these ideas in greater detail.

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